Infamous 2 festival of blood how gig
Infamous 2 festival of blood how gig

I haven’t seen much stuff made with it yet, probably because more people have yet to get this game.

#Infamous 2 festival of blood how gig series

The series follows the adventures of Cole MacGrath, Delsin Rowe and Abigail Fetch Walker, super-powered Conduits who must decide their own destinies of becoming either good or evil. It makes use of the new abilities that Cole has and all, but it’s still the same UGC stuff from before, just with Move support. Infamous is a series of action-adventure platform games developed by Sucker Punch Productions, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4. Electric pulses everywhere, fusing the riffs with blood and bone And unleashed the. The UGC stuff is back from 2, and it’s largely the same. Buddy adds, And two hard-boiled eggs (Pratchett, Soul Music 31).

infamous 2 festival of blood how gig

Killing vampires while hot jazz or blues rock blares in the background is quite satisfying either way. There are some good uses of the soundtrack here and there as well, though I’m not sure if they’re new to the expansion or if they’re out of 2. The color scheme of the buildings and sky are dead, mostly grey, but they contrast well with the warm tones of the fires and Halloween decorations. Most of the side-missions are rewarded well too killing vampires grants you new abilities, and most side-mission paths end with a trophy, but those requirements that you have to meet are short enough that they don’t feel dragged out.įestival of Blood also makes some good aesthetic changes the whole town is done up in Pyre Night decorations, all of which feel appropriately Halloween-y. The Firstborn finding is especially fun, mostly due to the great animation when you kill them. The new side-missions are surprisingly entertaining, on the whole. At first you use it to track down a big vampire (that looks like it jumped out of 30 Days of Night) called a “Firstborn” by seeing its footprints, after which it’s used for a few side-missions, like finding glyphs Bloody Mary has hidden around the city that unlock the vampire equivalent of audio diaries, finding jars of blood that increase the capacity of your Blood Meter, and finding hidden Firstborns. The other big ability you get is “Vampire Vision”, which acts as a sort of combination of Assassin’s Creed‘s “Eagle Vision” and Batman: Arkham Asylum‘s “Detective Vision”. Moving around the city becomes much faster and fluid, while retaining enough physical control that you feel like your skill matters a lot to how well you move. Anyway, it takes a while to get used to how it controls, but once you start using it, it’s surprisingly good at stringing moves together you can just fly up to the top of a building, jump onto a wire, and preserve that momentum through flight as you move onto another wire. Yeah, I think you’re starting to get an idea of what they’re going for with this game. You turn into a giant cloud of bats and fly around. The main ability that you earn through your powers is flight.

infamous 2 festival of blood how gig infamous 2 festival of blood how gig

You gain blood through killing civilians or “staking” vampires, as your arc weapon is replaced with a giant wooden stake attached to the remnants of a stone column (and it’s as ridiculous as it sounds). Instead of having that meter, you have a “Blood Meter” that you have to keep filled to use your vampire abilities. There are no repercussions for anything you do. First of all, right after you’re granted them, the morality meter is completely thrown out. Those new powers actually bring a lot to the experience.

Infamous 2 festival of blood how gig